980nm 1470m Diode Laser Endo Lifting 980nm Laser Liposction Triangelaser
What is lipolysis?
Laser lipolysis is a body-contouring procedure that uses heat from laser devices to destroy fat cells.
Laser lipolysis (or laser lipo, for short) is a body-sculpting treatment that uses heat from light-based technology to melt fatcells.It's intended mainly to remove body fat that's difficult to lose through diet or exercise, such as:
* saddlebags (fat deposits on the upper outer thighs)
* love handles (belly fat around the torso)
* double chinsIt is also a skin tightening and fat reduction treatment, targeting sagging skin along the lower jawline, abdominal skin laxity, cellulite on the buttocks and Inner thigh and arm (bingo wings) skin tightening and fat melting.
With this procedure, there are no incisions and there's no suction.
1. The doctor marks those areas of your body they're going to treat.
2. You lie on a bed and the doctor fits the special applicator to your skin.
3. During the first few minutes of the treatment, you'll feel a cooling sensation that helps keep your skin comfortable throughout the process.
4. After that, you'll feel alternating warm and cool sensations as the laser begins to destroy your fat cells. This will continue until the treatment is complete.
What are the usual treatment areas?
Laser lipolysis has a number of benefits over traditional liposuction.
* Less trauma
* Shorter procedure time
* Less scarring
* Less downtime
* Effective fat removal
* Skin-tightening
* Fewer risks and complications
atment TheoryLASEEV 980+1470
acts by thermal effect, breaking the fat cell membranes and blending its content. The semi-liquid fat can be easily removed or in
case of small quantities is metabolized and naturally eliminated by the body. The heat generated by laser energy also coagulates
blood vessels, restructures collagen, improves skin elasticity and promotes tissue contraction of the treated areas.
It is a minimally invasive technique with excellent aesthetic results and minimum postoperative.
The most important feature of this laser diode is its dual wavelength which allows it to be used for a variety of tissue interactions.
While the 980 nm wavelength has a great affinity for pigments like haemoglobin, the 1470 nm has great affinity for
water. So the device offers precise incision, excision, vaporisation, haemostasis, and tissue coagulation. Using this device,
the surgeons can either use a single wavelength or both, based on the ailment and the treatment plan.
Maximum reliability, minimal side effects
SuperLipo™ 980/980+1470 are the most reliable equipment sof the market for laser assisted liposuction. They provide good absorption by adipose tissue and H2O, less swelling and fewer side effects as edema or pain.
less bruising will appear as laser coagulates small vessels immediately.
Perfect treatment control while seeing the amount of energy in W.
Atraumatic and very fine cannulas: incisions are very small.
Effective minimally invasive alternative
LASEEV 980+1470 by Triangel provide the option of using local anesthesia.
A laser fiber is introduced through an incision as a single laser fiber or through a small cannula and laser fiber combination, delivering energy directly to subcutaneous adipose tissue to disrupt fat cells and coagulate soft tissue.
Laser contouring results include less bleeding, swelling, and bruising, as compared to traditional liposuction.
Patients may experience quicker healing and less recovery time, reducing the required time for follow-up in the office.
Laser contouring is a great option for patients who desire lower face and neck revitalization without the downtime of a face lift.
Laser lipolysis is an excellent adjunct to traditional liposuction treatment, which when used alone, may not provide benefits seen with laser enera
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1. 400µm fiber cable with aluminum alloy protective sleeve
2. Durable aluminum alloy handpiece
3. Stainless steel fiber cable holder
4. Color touch screen
5. Key switch safety feature
6. Emergency shut-off safety feature
7. Laser energy output port
8. Dual-fan high-output cooling system forhours of non-stop, maximum-energy, continuous wave output withoutoverheating
9. Industry-best German-manufactured Multi-Diode Emitters, for premium precision & durability
10. Simple, easy-to-use laser-control software interface